Andet motionstilbud

B75 International Table Tennis Camp 2024

B75 International TABLE TENNIS CAMP. 4 to 19 days 10th July - 28th July 2024. WORLD-CLASS TRAINING. * 24 coaches, including 6 from China Player:coach ratio of 4:1.

Tid & sted

Onsdag den 10. til søndag den 28. juli 2024

kl. 08-18

DGI Huset Aabybro Jens Møllers Vej 3, Aabybro

Billet & pris

Pris: 1600 kr

B75 International TABLE TENNIS CAMP. 4 to 19 days 10th July - 28th July 2024. WORLD-CLASS TRAINING. * 24 coaches, including 6 from China Player:coach ratio of 4:1.

* International players in the top group as sparring partners
* 2.5 hour training sessions 2x daily combining exercises, multiball, and games
* Every player gets an individual training plan to take home from the camp

* 96 players from more than 30 nations, and from National team level to beginners
* Ages from over 70 to under 10, everyone is given the same respect and attention.